Friday, October 17, 2008

The Problems With MySpace And Facebook....

OK, pretty much EVERYBODY I know has a MySpace AND a Facebook. But here are the things that annoy me about both sites...

1) When someone puts up a picture of themselves, and in the caption, they're like, "I'M UGLY!!!" OK, here's the deal. If you REALLY thought you were THAT ugly, you wouldn't post it on MYSPACE or FACEBOOK, now WOULD YOU??? Nice bait there, you know, fishing for compliments...but I ain't bitin'.

2) Sending out bulletins when you have new pictures. I understood doing this a while back, before MySpace installed Friend Updates on the site, and I did it every once in a while too. Now though, it's pretty much pointless because when you put new photos up, I SEE THAT YOU HAVE THEM UP ANYWAY. And if I want to take a look at them, I WILL. And if I want to go to the extent to comment on them, I WILL. I do not need a bulletin to tell me that you, in all your vanity, have new pictures up.

3) Now here's something that annoys me about Facebook, but not MySpace: FRIEND UPDATES. Friend updates on MySpace are pretty good and non-intrusive. They simply tell you when someone has a new song on their profile, or has added new pictures, or has in some way, shape, or form updated their profile. That's OK. But, on Facebook, it seems that I CAN'T EVEN TAKE A SHIT without ALL of my friends KNOWING about it. If you comment on another person's pictures, or write on someone's wall, or post on a group wall/discussion, Facebook somehow takes it all upon themselves to broadcast to the world that you have done so. WONDERFUL. Now all they need to do is put hidden cameras in my home to record my every move OFF the Facebook site, and they're ALL SET.

4) "We're sorry, an error as occurred." Facebook and MySpace BOTH have LOTS of computer techies working for them for insane amounts of money. You'd think that at least ONE of these people would know how to go in and FIX all these "errors." Oh, and on that note - I really don't think these errors get automatically reported to MySpace or Facebook's "technical groups"...I think they just go in a folder of their inboxes labeled "SHIT WE DON'T REALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT."

5) Another one specifically for Facebook - and a Facebook application known as iLike. Okie dokie, I search for a song I want to put on my list. Right? I find it. BUT IT HAS NO AUDIO CLIP. What's the point of having the song on there if there is no AUDIO CLIP? I want the song on my Facebook page so I can hear it (or a part of it) anytime I want to, and so other people can hear the kind of music that I...well...iLike. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT IF THERE'S NO AUDIO CLIP? HMMM???

6) APPLICATION OVERLOAD. OK, I am admittedly guilty of this on Facebook. I have way too many apps, but I AM working on removing the ones I don't use. (I removed about five yesterday, I believe.) It's not even the fact that someone has too many applications. IT'S THE FACT THAT MANY OF THEM ARE, FOR THE MOST POINT, USELESS. OK, maybe I DO want to know what song from the '90s should be my theme, BUT MAKING AN ENTIRE APP OUT OF IT? THAT'S STUPID.

7) On the topic of apps, WHY DO ALL THE GOOD ONES GET SHUT DOWN? Facebook had an application called "PostSecret," where, yep, you guessed it, you could anonymously post secrets about yourself. I loved it, and it had a "hug" option where you could virtually "hug" people whom you felt needed one. I go to it one day so I can read some secrets (and maybe post one or two of my own) and it says it's been SHUT DOWN. Great. Just fucking great. Why was it shut down? Server costs. Well, maybe the makers of that application should stop spending money on the server costs for their OTHER, USELESS APPLICATION and apply that money to the server costs of the the application that people OBVIOUSLY USED. How's THAT for an idea, brainiacs???

8) My last pet peeve with MySpace and Facebook - for now. Yep, you guessed it. ADDICTIVENESS. Oh MySpace, oh Facebook, why must you be so FUCKING ADDICTIVE?!?! When I first got on these sites, I logged on maybe, two or three times a week - sometimes even less. Now I find myself on them both several times a day - and for what? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Seriously, in five minutes' time, are any of my friends going to do something SO WONDERFUL that I need to know about it? Most likely not. So why do you have me hooked??? Why must you pain me when I don't have new comments, messages, wall-writings, picture comments, or anything of the like? I know why. Because you, Tom Anderson, founder of MySpace, and you, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, are SADISTS! You LIKE our pain, don't you? You love to see us tweaking for our MySpace and Facebook fix. Admit it. You know you do.



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