Random Observations (Thanks to Jessica Minear for giving me this idea, haha.) Some of them are funny, some of them are serious.
-If you're reading a book about a disease, people will think you have said disease.
-You will always have a rough patch of skin somewhere on your body, no matter how small, that you can't get smooth no matter what.
-No one will ever understand your addiction to CNN, unless they happen to not suffer from, but enjoy, it too.
-It doesn't matter how many times you listen to "Save Me," the word "fuck" will always seem out of place. (No disrespect.)
-Every song will give you a photography or art idea.
-Even though you respect her majorly as a songwriter and an artist, you will come to the conclusion that Amy Lee seems like she can be a bitch. (The woman can't keep bandmates for shit.)
-You wouldn't believe how much great rock and metal resides in West Virginia. (Karma To Burn or Liecus, anyone?)
-Mariah Carey can take ANY song and cover it, and RUIN it. ("Bringin' On The Heartbreak" and "Don't Stop (Funkin' 4 Jamaica)" just to name a couple.)
-"The Open Door," the Evanescence album, was basically (save for just a few songs) one big complaint about Shaun Morgan. (It was still pretty good, though.)
-"The Dark Knight" really did live up to the hype. Heath Ledger's Joker made Jack Nicholson's look like a grumpy Ronald McDonald.
-FYI: I pirated that movie. I'z stealthy like that.
-If you get past the weirdness of "Handlebars," Flobots is actually a REALLY good band.
-It's just a law of nature that you will not look good in your driver's license/ID picture. What? It just is.
-Mystikal's rapping style is just a rip-off of DMX's style. Therefore, it's almost intolerable.
-It is completely OK to shave a few pounds off of your weight for your license/ID. Especially if you're a chick.
-You have to be a certain type of person to appreciate Tori Amos' music.
-Any Pink Floyd fan will HATE you for liking Staind's version of "Comfortably Numb" more than you like the orignal. Also, any fan of The Who will hate you for liking Limp Bizkit's version of "Behind Blue Eyes" more than you like the original. (Me: I like Limp Bizkit's version better though. Dave: I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that.)
-Country singers were not made to cover R&B songs.
-Sheryl Crow's songs are the most fun to sing along to. Unless they're the ones that make you break down into tears, LMAO.
-You will never understand how both you and your sisters got good singing voices since your mother, honestly, can't sing for shit.
-O.J. Simpson is the dumbest motherfucker who ever walked the face of the planet.
-A song really can save your life.
-Being tolerant and respectful of other people's beliefs is a must if you wish to survive in this world.
-Ani DiFranco is NOT a "whiney lesbian"!
-Mr. Everson wasn't like most teachers....if you fell asleep in class, he didn't let you get away with it.
-Civics is the best class you will ever take, simply because Wagner doesn't give a flying fuck if you sleep for the whole hour and a half.
-Being a "Rollin'" girl for Halloween is the easiest costume in the world to do. All you need is a pair of jeans, a wifebeater, and a red baseball cap - ta-da, you're a female Fred Durst.
-Eventually you actually get bored of dying your hair and want to see the color that's SUPPOSED to come out of the roots.
-"Thriller" by Michael Jackson (God help you if you don't know who that song is by) is the PERFECT Halloween song.
-Three years without a Big Mac results in one HELL of a Mac Attack!
-As much as one supports animal rights, well, to tell the truth, PETA is mostly a bunch of hypocritical dumbfucks. There are many other animal rights organitzations and foundations that are more worthy of my money and time.
-It's just a general rule of life that sucky songs get stuck in your head.
-Metal can only be so hard before it starts to sound like just a bunch of noise.
-Making blogs like these is a perfect way to pass time.